Wednesday, September 21, 2016

(Insert your color here) Lives Matter

I personally don't give a shit about color you put a color in front of lives it's just adding a separation that the media and our government want. They don't want us getting along and worrying about each other and taking care of each no matter of what color we are. Black lives do matter they are just as important and more so because yes there is a stigmata associated to being black but every race has a stigmata to it. People need to wake up and not jump to conclusions I mean for God's sake people stop letting the media and government do try to like everyone do I jump at the racial stigmata conclusion yes sometimes I do and I am trying to better myself by not doing it. Everyone race deserves our respect. So will I jump on the Black lives, All lives, Blue lives, Brown lives, White lives matters band wagon? Hell no I won't! I will jump on something like humankind matters because is that truly what we all want is for humanity as a whole to succeed and live together in peace and support of each other without bringing in race, religion, or social standing. If we are to succeed in doing that we need to let the media and our government know we are on to their Bullshit. Sorry if this offended anyone it's just how I feel.