Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Just some stuff all of us should think about. With all these posts about halftime shows, refugees, presidential candidates, our government, and ourselves as a whole. We all should be lifting each other up instead of having to choose sides. We need to stop this segregation that is starting to take hold again. Everyone's life matters not just one but everyone's. Not just one race but all races of people matter. Our whole existence on this beautiful planet matters. We need to stop giving the media outlets the fuel to burn all of these fires of hate. We need to ban together hand in either physically or through our power of social media band together Blacks,Whites,Mexicans,Native Americans,Chinese,Japanese, the list goes on and on.

There shouldn't be a list we all share one thing that is true we all our AMERICANS!
We need to show our government that we the people ie all of us regardless of race and creed can come together to change the world then the government and media wouldn't have the fuel (HATE) and we as a people as a whole entity can start living better lives. It's little things we can do. Give a homeless person some change or a mom does. Help an elderly person across the street. It's the little things we can do. Thank a cop for everything they do on a daily basis instead of feeding into this whole anti cop thing. Tell anyone you meet that has served or is serving in our military how much their service means to you or just thank them. Stop glorifying people that honestly in a whole don't deserve it. Instead of the Kardashians always trending on Twitter. Let's get me more deserving people trending, people that are furthering science, education, medicine, stopping hunger, these people should be trending not all these entertainment folk. I am just tired I guess. I am a big old guy who has nothing better to do right now due to my injury situation who spends way to much time on Facebook reading all these different posts from everyone. Spends to much time seeing Twitter trends come and go. Spends to much time watching media news outlets and politicians spew more hate than help. I see my close friends post pictures of their gorgeous children and I think to myself what kind of future are we leaving these beautiful, intelligent, charismatic, happy children. I don't know and that keeps me awake. I hope it's something we can be proud of.  Ok my rant is over I hope you all don't take offence I highly doubt any of you will read it. I will also post this on my blog. I would really truly appreciate it if you all could share the blog or this post. For some reason I am proud of this rant. Thank you all be good to each other.

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