Friday, August 22, 2014

My first stream as a twitch gamer.

Its been awhile since I posted so I thought I would talk about my first stream that happened on Tuesday evening.

Let me start off by saying this wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for some wonderful friends in my life that helped me get to that point. OK after much setting up and figuring things out like OBS (open broadcaster software) and getting over my nerves and insecurities, I finally started streaming on Tuesday evening. My first game was Dayz, a survival horror game that I enjoy watching and got hooked on. Let me say I had a blast. I streamed for almost 4 hours. I had a few people stop in to watch but being new, I forgot to put the name of the game I was streaming in the title "oops" lol. The Twitch community, as a whole, is a great group of gamers that will go out of their way to help and make you feel like part of a group.

I started streaming and of course blogging at the idea from my therapist and psychiatrist as a way to help with my diagnosis of severe depression and severe anxiety disorder that I suffer from. So I decided what the hell and give it a try. I started following certain streamers and the way they treat you make you feel like part of a group is just above and beyond. If you like video games or like watching other people play video games I have a few people that are definitely worth watching.

I plan on streaming a lot more and streaming a lot of different games when money provides the opportunity
to do so. I will be doing console games in the future so stay tuned for more to come from this Ranting Old Guy.

SilentSentry Thank you for the encouragement and all the help.

TJOceans Thank you for just being you and giving me someone to talk to when I was depressed.

Vip3r22 Words cant explain how much you have helped everytime I test streamed you were the first in there to help me figure stuff out.

ProtoTypeRaavyn you are awesome thank you so much for the overlay you created and the help you offered.

ShuffleJump one of the sweetest csgo chicken killers out there thank you also for making my first stream fun

Crispytot The man with one of the best follower notification and movie phone voices of all time your stream Easter Egg game is awesome.

MrJughead87 My very first stream that I watched which got me hooked you also were a big influence on me streaming Thank you man.

A special thanks to my wonderful wife for proofreading all my blogs and dealing with my crap.
Check out her blog at

Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I will make an extreme effort to blog more and give you all something to look forward to in the near future.

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